The Ultimate Hydration Solution

The Ultimate Hydration Solution

Posted by Kenton Jones on Apr 15th 2022

Because water makes up a significant part of our bodies, it's no surprise that proper hydration is vital for a wide range of bodily functions. From corralling hunger cues to reducing the risk of illness, water is nothing short of critical for feeling your best and maintaining your health.

But not just any water will do — popular sources like tap water and bottled water can be contaminated and have harmful environmental effects. Additionally, you must make sure you aren't only getting your water from soda or juice.

So, how do you make the best choices for yourself and your family when it comes to water intake?

The Importance of Water

Most people know that water is important. Here are a few specifics about the importance of water:

  • 认知功能:Studies have shown that even moderate increases in water can提高各种认知功能, like mood, energy, attention, and fatigue.
  • 消化:Without water, youcan experience constipation, as the large intestine pulls water from your food waste, making it harder for stool to move through the body. Further, water plays a role in other elements of digestion, like using soluble fiber, breaking down food through saliva and stomach acid, and helping absorb nutrients.
  • 食欲:增加饮水是体重管理计划的普遍组成部分。它是研究充分的天然食欲抑制剂that helps us avoid overeating — and mistaking thirst for hunger. Plus, water can regulate and stimulate your metabolism.
  • Moisture:保持水分可防止某些类型的组织,例如在眼睛,鼻子,嘴和皮肤上,使其干燥。它还可以使我们的关节润滑良好,以便它们可以正常工作。
  • Waste removal:该液体通过支撑肾脏去除毒素来作为天然排毒剂。它可以冲洗出多余的糖和咖啡因等产品yabovip3,并保持血管打开,以便在整个人体中更好地递送营养。尤其是肾脏有害, potentially contributing to kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and a build-up of wastes.
  • Temperature regulation:因为汗水可以​​控制体温,而当脱水时我们的汗水较少,脱水可以lead to heat exhaustion,某些人群的中风或心脏问题。
  • Heart health and blood pressure:保持水分有助于您的身体pump blood more efficiently,保持心率和血压正常。通过防止钠固定,水还可以帮助您的血液保持稀薄,从而更好地循环。

Simply put, water is the cornerstone of how our bodies function and can help us avoid ailments like headaches, heart problems, high blood pressure, and arthritis.

Dehydration and Water Deficiency

Adults lose about2.5-3 liters of water each day由于呼吸,排尿和出汗等正常过程。沉重的运动和炎热的天气都可以增加这一数量。尽管人们经常误认为对饥饿的渴望增加,但脱水也会抑制口渴的感觉,加剧问题。这个问题对您的身体和精神产生负面影响。它可以使您的感官降低,减少您的响应时间,甚至使您感到饥饿。

Some signs of dehydration include:

  • Dark urine
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Constipation
  • 口干
  • Headache or confusion
  • 响应时间缓慢
  • Muscle cramps
  • Heat intolerance or chills
  • Irritability or anxiety

何时脱水的最简单方法之一是检查尿液的颜色。理想情况下,它应该是淡黄色,但是当天黑时,您可能不会喝足够的液体。请记住,某些药物会影响尿液颜色 - 例如,B族维生素可以使其看起来明亮的黄色。

Another simple way to check is to do the skin turgor test. Use two fingers to pull back the skin on your lower arm for a few seconds. When you release it, it should quickly snap back into its normal position. If you're dehydrated, it may stay "tented" and move back more slowly.

Why "Eight Glasses of Water a Day" Isn't Enough

The old adage that you need to drink eight glasses of water a day is a handy rule, but it needs more nuance. The type of water you drink makes a difference, and your body may need more or less depending on your size and what kinds of activities you're doing.

In general, aim for half of an ounce to 1 ounce of water a dayfor each pound you weigh。For many people, this number comes out to much more than eight glasses — usually considered 8 ounces — especially if you're trying to stay as hydrated as possible. If you're more active, lean toward 1 ounce per pound.


The belief of drinking any beverage as an adequate substitute for water is not a good enough solution. The only proper answer is to drink water — and not just any water, but cleaner, healthier water, free from contaminants, and free from chemicals. That can be difficult when you turn to the tap or bottled water. These water sources often come with a few crucial issues:

  • Tap water:Many people shy away from tap water due to the taste, depending on the local water makeup, but it can also contain many contaminants. Some are harmless, while others can potentially cause cancer or other adverse effects. While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has some limits in place, the events of Flint, Michigan, andother concerning reportstell us that these may not be adequate or well-enforced. You can even search reports for your area on theEnvironmental Working Group's (EWG) website
  • Bottled water:瓶装水有自己的一系列营销问题,一些制造商只是重新包装自来水。一项研究测试来自11种不同瓶装水品牌的水发现93% of it contained microplastics,每升水中平均发现325个塑料颗粒。水瓶通常由聚对苯二甲酸酯(PET)制成,这是一种可能影响激素系统并可以渗入水中的内分泌剂。


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