
倍增Executive Team

H. Allen Rice

Founder • 1935-2015
Multipure的创始人,h·艾伦大米,建造了company from the ground up in 1970, starting from a concept and a brilliant idea, and developing it with his brother, Alvin. H. Allen and Alvin developed Multipure's signature solid carbon block filter in 1975, and over the years guided the company from a 2-person operation to a worldwide manufacturer of high-quality drinking water systems and the provider of a life-changing Business Opportunity. H. Allen's work experiences demonstrate his innovative nature - after serving as an Air Force Airman, he recognized a need for better family swim training, and developed a swim school for soldiers' children, working as both an athletic director and swim instructor. Later on, he conceptualized a newer, more consumer-oriented photography business. Eventually, recognizing a need for better quality drinking water, he founded Multipure, developed his revolutionary solid carbon block filter, and created the Business Opportunity as a way to reach more customers while offering people the chance to improve their lives.

H. Allen总结一个单词:“机会”。倍增代表了获得更好水的机会,更健康的生活的机会以及获得财务成功的机会。倍增是致力于帮助他人改善生活并取得成功的业务;他的目标是使倍增继续成长和发展,吸引更多的人,改善更多的生活,并为公司及其整个建筑商带来新的成功水平。

H. Allen将自己的成功和成就归功于他帮助他人的愿望。他学会了自己的职业道德和企业家精神,因为他们的孩子非常谦虚,这意味着在北卡罗来纳州长大,总是在寻找赚钱的机会,并为每一美元赚钱而努力工作。作为布鲁克斯空军基地的飞行员,他帮助建立了一所儿童游泳学校,并在此过程中学习了重复的力量 - 培训他人以重复您的技能和精力作为增加业务的一种手段。H. Allen认为,每个人都会遇到某些转折点 - “魔术时刻” - 可以塑造和定义人生的过程;成功的关键是认识到这些时刻并抓住他们提供的机会。

H. Allen用罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)的话描述了他的人生哲学 - “我们不能帮助所有人,但每个人都可以帮助某人。”

Alvin Rice

40多年来,Alvin Rice一直与他的兄弟H. Allen Rice一起领导和运营。1970年,22岁时,阿尔文(Alvin)共同创立了倍增,1975年,阿尔文(Alvin)和艾伦(H.阿尔文(Alvin)整个职业生涯都致力于倍增的运营和增长,监督从制造,营销到业务运营的所有事业。他为与家人合作而感到非常自豪,并以他在建立和发展倍增过程中学到的所有知识和经验教育了他的儿子和daughter妇。阿尔文(Alvin)有信心,下一代已经准备好将倍增成为强大,持续增长,创新和成功的未来。

For Alvin, Multipure is the world's premier manufacturer of carbon block filters, providing superior performance that is supported by NSF certification. It is a company dedicated to helping people, by providing the best quality water available, and by providing the opportunity for success. Alvin sees incredible growth in Multipure's future, and expects that the development of Multipure over the next 5 years will exceed that of the previous 40 years. He envisions Multipure's continued expansion of factories and markets in regions across the world.

阿尔文(Alvin)出生于北卡罗来纳州西尔瓦(Sylva)的小镇,迁移到西部,加入了他的兄弟,在那里他获得了洛杉矶谷学院的艺术学士学位。他赞赏销售动机Red Motley的话:“直到有人卖东西之前,什么都不会发生。”他钦佩自制的成功和创新者,例如比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)和史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs),并以繁殖的方式自豪,可以帮助人们更长,更健康,更成功的生活。他感谢参与多元化的每个人 - 员工,建筑商和客户 - 并珍视许多乘数员工和建筑商已经在公司工作了数十年。

Zachary Rice

The innovative leader of Multipure, Zachary Rice oversees all of the operational aspects of the company, drawing on over a dozen years of experience in International Business, Manufacturing, Information Technology, Engineering, and Sales. Zachary is directly responsible for advancements in Multipure's operational capabilities, improving manufacturing quality, control, and efficiency through the development and implementation of new manufacturing systems. Committed to the growth and development of Multipure, Zachary spearheaded the launch of global manufacturing and further developed sales channels. He is also responsible for the development of Multipure's newest products, including the Aquamini compact travel system and Aquasource whole house system.

For Zachary, Multipure is a company that improves and protects the health of its customers through innovative, high-quality water filtration products. He believes that anyone in the world who cares about clean drinking water can use a great Multipure product, and he envisions a future where Multipure is globally recognized and synonymous with quality, professionalism, and integrity.

Born and raised in Southern California, Zachary attained both a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. He greatly admires those who work and risk for the betterment of others, and identifies with Robert F. Kennedy's statement, "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." Zachary is also a modern Renaissance man - in addition to guiding Multipure, he is a licensed SCUBA diver, a talented pianist, and a proficient skier.


珍妮弗·赖斯(Jennifer Rice)是一名认证的公职人员,负责多重行政的所有行政方面,利用了十年的银行,会计,审计,法律和管理领域的经验。过去,她在一家四大会计师事务所担任审计师时担任Fortune 500公司的首席客户服务经理,在那里她准备了收益,债务交易和SEC文件。在Multipure时,她开发了公司间业务系统,以促进更快的管理周转时间,并为所有乘产品线率先重新认证计划。詹妮弗(Jennifer)监督从会计,法律,证明和公司政策到人力资源,监管,安全和客户服务的所有功能。她是Pure Foundation背后的推动力,Pure Foundation是一个慈善组织,利用Multipure的知识和专业知识为公众提供教育,援助和健康改善。

As a modern professional balancing work and family life, Jennifer feels that Multipure serves an important role in improving quality of life, both physically and financially. Multipure enables families to protect themselves against water contaminants and gives them the opportunity to achieve the American Dream and attain financial freedom. For Jennifer, the research available on drinking water issues should convince everyone of the necessity of a Multipure drinking water system in the home. She foresees stable, long-term growth for Multipure, and a continuation of its unwavering dedication to its customers and its high-quality products.

Originally from Canyon Country, California, Jennifer attended the University of Southern California, where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting. She lists as a favorite quote Thomas Jefferson's statement, "The moral sense, or conscience, is as much a part of man as his leg or his arm." Much like her husband, Zachary, Jennifer is proficient in a wide array of activities - she is a licensed SCUBA diver, a skilled sand rail and all-terrain vehicle driver, a committed couponer, and an accomplished mother.

倍增Corporate Team


As Multipure's Vice President of Marketing, Kenton leverages his ample knowledge of the drinking water treatment industry with over a decade of experience at Multipure to lead and develop Multipure's Marketing Department. His knowledge and experience in this industry serve him well in his job overseeing marketing, business development, product development, and Builder support.

Kenton is certified through the Water Quality Association's (WQA) comprehensive examination program, demonstrating superior knowledge on the subjects of water quality, water treatment, equipment installation, ethical business practices, and training standards related to the water treatment industry. As Multipure's first WQA Certified Water Specialist (CWS), Kenton serves as an exceptional Multipure representative and liaison to consumers, Builders, and the industry in general; because Multipure's success is tied so closely to its consumers and Builders, he views them as his highest priority.

对肯顿来说,多重能力使人们改善了他们的生活和周围的人的生活;多重的水过滤产品使人们能够控制和改善水质的质量,而Muplyabovip3ipure的商机使建筑商可以改善财务和个人的生活质量。从本质上讲,倍增是美国的梦想,表现出来 - 其成功是其创始兄弟的辛勤工作,坚韧和远见的高潮,其成功直接受到倍增为他人提供成功机会的能力的影响。肯顿(Kenton)设想了多元化的持续增长和行业领导,并认为其营销计划将继续带领其他人获得更好的水,改善健康和改善生活。

A native of Denver, Colorado, Kenton studied Broadcast Journalism at Northern Arizona University. He believes in the power of a winning attitude, and in the importance of integrity and personal character - traits best described in Abraham Lincoln's statement, "Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." Kenton has a passion for outdoor activities, and is particularly fond of physically challenging running events and telemark skiing.

Rick Mendoza

Assistant Vice President of Marketing
With over 16 years' professional design experience, Rick Mendoza has produced marketing materials for print, video, and websites, both as a graphic designer and as a creative director. Rick values quality, clear communication, and innovation - values he has successfully leveraged in his works for the marketing, advertising, real estate, and automotive fields. As Multipure's Assistant Vice President of Marketing, Rick handles the company's artistic endeavors, including Graphic Design, Web Design, Photography, Video Production, and Podcast Production.

Rick views Multipure as the producer of the best, most dependable Drinking Water Systems in the industry, and as a company synonymous with passion, integrity, and loyalty. He believes that what sets Multipure apart from other companies is the care given to its products and to its Customers - the care that drives the company to always be the best and to never compromise its ideals. Rick sees Multipure eventually becoming a household name and a world renowned leader in water filtration.

Originally from East Moline, Illinois, Rick graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Graphic Design from St. Ambrose University, Iowa. While in college, he was the first recipient of the John W. Schmidt Award, acknowledging art students that go above-and-beyond in their work. He is particularly proud of his work for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization in Illinois, and in his overall growth as a graphic designer. He strives to live up to Mahatma Gandhi's maxim, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world," and credits his parents as his inspiration to work hard and never give up on his dreams.


Director of Marketing
Multipure招募的学院,米歇尔has worked in almost every department at Multipure over her 30 years of experience with the company. As Multipure's Director of Marketing, Michele sets up corporate events and meetings, plans advertising and contests, and works with Builders of all levels around the country.

Multipure,米歇尔,代表质量和过量llence; it is a family-owned and operated company that makes products people can believe in, and helps people become healthier and more successful. Michele feels that everyone should have Multipure's amazing, affordable products, and that Multipure's integrity and commitment to excellence deserves nothing less than continued growth and success.

A Southern California native, Michele received her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from California State University, Northridge. She considers one of her favorite quotations to be Abraham Lincoln's statement, "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing."

Shannara Nimmer Henderson

Financial Controller
Shannara Nimmer亨德森(Shannara Nimmer Henderson)是一名认证的公职人员,为德勤(Deloitte)赢得了专业技能和经验,德勤(Deloitte)是世界上最大的国际会计和专业服务公司的四大公司之一。她于2009年加入了Multipure,并于2012年加入了金融控制者的职位,在那里她监督应收账款,应付账款,薪资和税款。她还担任乘数,银行,外部会计师和管理多重银行活动之间的联络。


Originally from Sacramento, California, Shannara lived in Florida, Ecuador, and Utah - where she earned her Master of Accountancy (MAcc) degree from Southern Utah University - before moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. Shannara's work ethic can be attributed to her admiration from her mother, a Cuban immigrant who worked hard to overcome life’s obstacles and balance home and work life, earning her nursing degree while maintaining a healthy family life with her husband and their three children. Shannara’s interests outside of work include traveling with her husband and their three boys. She particularly enjoys watching their boys grow and develop their own interests and personalities; as a family, they love attending hockey games and supporting the Vegas Golden Knights. A fan of outdoor activities such as hiking and scuba diving, Shannara understands the value of new experiences and perseverance, knowing that in difficult times, "It's the storm, not you, that's bound to blow away."

Tam Quy

Laboratory Services Manager
自2012年以来,塔姆·奎(Tam Quy)一直担任化学家的繁殖者,她的努力维护了多重化学实验室的测试合规性和维护。她认为使用Multipure的高质量饮用水系统和过滤器是一种荣幸,并为她的工作确保产品可靠性并增加了消费者对倍增的信心而感到自豪。亚搏直播app下载


Nita Estes

Director of Operations
Nita Estes拥有超过30年的倍增,具有技能和知识,以确保办公室操作尽可能顺利,精确,有效地运行。尼塔(Nita)在多年来一直稳步发展自己的职业生涯,从接待到应付账款,工资单和佣金方面拥有运营经验;她将这种经验作为运营总监,以确保按照最高标准执行工作,并且所有付款和佣金都是正确的。

对于NITA来说,乘法意味着由关怀人员生产的卓越质量产品,也是有机会赚钱的机会。yabovip3她期待着公司和参与的每个人的持续增长和繁荣 - 所有者,员工和整个建筑商家庭。尼塔(Nita)强烈认为,倍增值得在世界范围内成为水过滤的领导者,并且是一家令人惊叹的公司,可以帮助人们改善生活。

Originally from Salinas, California, Nita studied Fine Arts at San Diego State University. Because she was a shy child of humble means in her youth, she considers her personal and professional growth, and the confidence she had to develop over the years, as some of her greatest achievements. She takes pride in knowing that she has the strength and ability to adapt and grow with life's challenges, and believes that the Multipure Business Opportunity can help others similarly reach new levels of personal development.

Lorinda Long

Customer Service Manager
Lorinda Long在Weinstock的百货商店,西南航空公司和美国航空公司工作过,为她担任Multipure的客户服务经理的角色带来了超过25年的客户服务经验。在Multipure时,她负责订单部门,技术支持,退货和客户援助。

Lorinda feels that Multipure stands for high quality drinking water systems and a constant care for its customers and the quality of their water. She believes that people will be amazed by the quality of Multipure water once they try it, and that this quality will allow Multipure continued growth for decades to come.

A fourth-generation Nevadan, Lorinda was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University, and most admires Herb Kelleher, co-founder and former CEO of Southwest Airlines, for the fairness and respect he demonstrated in his dealings with employees.knowing that she has the strength and ability to adapt and grow with life's challenges, and believes that the Multipure Business Opportunity can help others similarly reach new levels of personal development.

Henry Martinez

Warehouse Manager
Henry Martinez has been part of the Multipure family for over ten years, where his strong work ethic and positive attitude has allowed him to advance to his current role as the Multipure Warehouse Manager. As the Warehouse Manager, he oversees all warehouse operations as the team leader, ensuring smooth operations for assembly, shipping and receiving, inventory management, and adherence to company policies and procedures.

For Henry, Multipure is in the essential business of helping people, because people will always need clean drinking water. He appreciates hard work and self-improvement, and he identifies with the quote, “The price of greatness is responsibility.” He feels strongly about his responsibility to the people he works with and his family at home.


Jarom Roskelly

Human Resources & Safety Manager
As Multipure's Human Resources and Safety Manager, Jarom Roskelley is responsible for the rules, procedures, and safety of Multipure's employees. With over six years of experience in HR, Jarom's duties include hiring and counseling employees, enforcing rules and administering benefits, and ensuring that the work environment is as safe as possible.

Jarom describes Multipure as a company that provides an opportunity for financial success and products that enhance people's lives. He feels that Multipure's founders, H. Allen and Alvin Rice, have done an incredible job creating and growing the company, and that their vision allows people to attain financial independence and the best water possible. He sees a future in which Multipure has Builders in every country around the world, selling a growing line of superior-quality products.

A native of Las Vegas, Nevada, Jarom attained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business from Brigham Young University, Idaho, as well as an Associate Degree in Electronic Engineering. His favorite quote is from novelist Victor Hugo - "People do not lack strength, they lack will."