COVID 19 Water Facts


What Can I Do To Prevent COVID-19 Exposure?

Lead exposure typically occurs through the ingestion of contaminated drinking water. Lead exposure can also occur According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are a few basic safety measures you can do to limit or prevent COVID-19 exposure:

Wash Your Hands Often
Especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Use soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds. You can also use a hand sanitizer consisting of at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

Social Distancing

Cover Your Mouth
Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others. Remember: wearing a mask is as important for the safety of those around you as for yourself.

Clean Often
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

How Is COVID-19 Transmitted?

The World Health Organization (WHO)says the COVID-19 virus is transmitted primarily throughrespiratory droplets- tiny particles produced from actions like breathing, talking, coughing, or sneezing. It can spread through direct contact with infected people and indirect contact with surfaces or objects handled by an infected person.


Fortunately, the COVID-19 virus has not yet been detected in drinking water, and theCDC states that water treatment methods that use filtration and disinfection should remove or inactivate COVID-19.

What Does NSF-Certification Mean & Why Is It Important?

NSF认证意味着Aqualuxe的性能主张 - 细菌和病毒纯化,美学污染物过滤,健康污染物过滤以及新兴的化合物/偶然污染物过滤 - 已由NSF International进行了第三方测试和验证世界各地的健康与安全标准。这很重要,因为它可以作为世界领先的测试和认证研究所的证明,表明Aqualuxe会做我们可以做的事情。

Why Is Hydration Important To Health?


Health Benefit #1

Water aids digestion and helps regulate metabolism.

Health Benefit #2

Water helps remove waste and toxins.

Health Benefit #3

Water helps regulate body temperature.

Even more health benefits of water can be found in Multipure's Hydration Solution

How Does Multipure Compare To Bottled Water? A Lot Of People Are Buying Bottled Water During The COVID-19 Pandemic

There really is no comparison. While Multipure Drinking Water Systems possess NSF certifications for the broadest array of drinking water contaminants around, most bottled water is not third-party tested and certified for any contaminant treatment. In fact, most bottled water brands are simply repackaged tap water, and it has been discovered that 93% of all bottled water is contaminated with microplastic particles!

如果瓶装水并不是真的那么好,为什么People Buying So Much Bottled Water During This Crisis?

其中很多取决于感知和安心。人们认为,瓶装水比自来水更好,因此,当他们有一大堆被认为比在家中的水更好时,他们就会让人放心。有些人担心自己的自来水可能耗尽。对他们来说幸运的是,市政供水非常强大,可能会耗尽的可能性很低 - 除非发生可能造成灾难性基础设施损害的事件发生,例如地震。

But What About The Convenience Of Bottled Water? Is Bottled Water Really Convenient, Though?


Bottled Water Is Bulky & Takes Up Space At Home
If you're talking about a case of bottled water or a large jug of bottled water, it averages to about $1.22 a gallon, but it's also very bulky. It takes up a lot of room to transport by car, and it takes up a lot of room to store in the house.



Bottled water is rarely - if ever - third-party certified as to its quality, and the majority of bottled water is simply repackaged tap water.

Bottled water is greatly contaminated with microplastic particles -a person who only drank bottled water would ingest 130,000 microplastic particles a year.

Bottled Water Takes Lifetimes To Decompose
Disposable plastic bottles take 400-1000 years to decompose, and because less than 10% of these bottles are actually recycled, it leads to environmental disasters like theGreat Pacific Garbage Patch, an artificial island made of millions of tons of plastic that is twice the size of Texas and three times the size of France.

So Then What's The Bottom Line When It Comes To Multipure & The Current COVID-19 crisis?


Multipure has been deemed an Essential Business so we are open during the COVID-19 crisis. Our staff is here to answer any questions you have.
