Our Carbon Blocks

Carbon Block Technology


饮用水污染和危险污染物可能来自许多来源。 Surface water can become contaminated with agricultural runoff, community landfills, and hazardous waste from manufacturing byproducts. Groundwater can become contaminated from gasoline and MTBE leaks from underground storage tanks, or from the injection of hazardous waste into deep wells. Deteriorating infrastructure can leach harmful contaminants into the water supply it is designed to transport, such as lead or other metals.


A close review of drinking water treatment unit certifications shows that solid carbon block water filters are the most effective consumer means for reducing a wide range of contaminants, including those that may be found in groundwater. Certain drinking water treatment units utilizing solid carbon water filters have been tested and certified to reduce upwards of 85 or more contaminants. These contaminants include disinfectants such as chlorine or chloramine, heavy metals or metalloids such as lead or arsenic, disinfection byproducts such as chloroform or trihalomethanes, and microbiological organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and cysts.

Activated carbon has been an effective material in the treatment of drinking water contaminants in use throughout history, and it is known to be effective in the reduction of disinfection byproducts, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals, and variety of many other potentially harmful contaminants. Solid carbon block water filter technology transforms activated carbon into an even more effective and efficient form, and was developed by Multipure in the early 1970s for the purpose of creating a more powerful and more comprehensive solution to the treatment of drinking water contaminants. Multipure’s carbon block filter technology combines multiple methods of contaminant reduction action – mechanical filtration, chemisorption (chemical-reaction adsorption), physisorption (physical adsorption), and catalysis (catalyst-driven chemical reaction) – into a single device to reduce a broad spectrum of harmful contaminants.

Technological Advantages


倍增’s densely compacted carbon block allows for mechanical filtration of particles as small as 0.5 microns; at this pore size, contaminant reduction includes cysts such as giardia and cryptosporidium, asbestos, turbidity, and particulates. The incorporation of a pre-filter onto Multipure's solid carbon water filter design not only removes large particles and prevent premature clogging, but also better facilitates chemisorption. Because Multipure's carbon block water filters are exceptionally uniform in composition, they are not susceptible to channeling or bypass - drawbacks inherent to GAC filters.

许多较新的新兴污染物(在水中检测到其存在,但尚未明确证明其对人类食用的影响)也已被证明是通过固体碳块水过滤器有效处理的。这些污染物包括害虫驱虫剂(DEET),除草剂(元硫甲),抗生素(甲甲中一裁),塑料成分(BPA),人工激素(雌激素)和非处方药(同型药物(ibuprofren或naproxen))。NSF Internyabovip3ational根据NSF Standard 401(新兴化合物和偶然污染物)对多种产品进行了测试和认证,以治疗这些污染物。

The addition of Multipure’s proprietary PureBlock filter media further enhances the power and ability of Multipure carbon block water filters, enabling for 6-log (99.9999%) removal of bacteria, 4-log (99.99%) removal of viruses, and 3-log (99.9%) removal of live cysts. Multipure’s Aqualuxe system features PureBlock-enhanced filters, and is NSF-certified as not just a water filtration device, but as a microbiological purifier (NSF Protocol P231).

Carbon Block Filter Capacity

滤波器容量取决于过滤器的密度和尺寸。 The types and amounts of activated carbons used by Multipure determines the capacity of the water filters. Capacity ratings generally apply to the chemisorption and physisorption capabilities of the carbon and specialized filter media - carbon blocks with a high overall surface area allows for longer life and higher adsorption capacity. Capacity ratings for Multipure Drinking Water Systems range from 250 gallons to 1200 gallons, depending on the specific model.

Capacity claims are not applicable to contaminants reduced through mechanical filtration, due to the broad variations in the physical matter potentially present in the drinking water. Multipure solid carbon block water filters are engineered so that contaminants removed by mechanical filtration cause the flow rate to decrease and the filtration accessibility to narrow, thus offering protection to the consumer from giardia, cryptosporidium and other contaminants with a specific physical size.


Solid carbon block water filters effectively treat contaminants such as lead, chlorine, benzene, MTBE, chloramines, PCBs, and more. Carbon block filters have proven to be capable of significantly reducing newer, emerging contaminants, such as antibiotics, drugs, and other personal care products. Multipure’s technological innovations in carbon block water filters increase their capabilities to the water purification of bacteria, viruses, and live cysts. The effectiveness of Multipure solid carbon block filters in treating a broad spectrum of contaminants of aesthetic as well as health concern makes it the bona fide technology of choice for consumers throughout the country.