  • Aquaperform
  • Aquaperform
  • Aquaperform
  • Aquaperform
  • Aquaperform
  • Aquaperform
  • Aquaperform


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    Water filtration isn’t simply a matter of “clean” versus “dirty” water. Different contaminants have different effects. For example, chlorine in water treats bacteria and viruses, but makes the water taste like chlorine – not to mention the potential for chlorine to create harmful disinfection byproducts in the water. Water contaminants also tend to vary by region, depending on the land and any surrounding industries. Because of this, drinking water filtration is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution.

    砷is one of those contaminants that’s not found in every region, but can be very dangerous when it is present, and very harmful when ingested. It’s naturally-occurring in the ground, and it’s also used in industrial processes. But, because it’s not present in every water supply, not many countertop or under counter water filter systems can treat arsenic in drinking water.


    the Aquaperform drinking water system.

    倍增’s Aquaperform is a countertop or under counter filter system that not only treats a wide range of contaminants in your water, but also treats the extremely toxic Arsenic V in your water

    Over five decades of carbon block development have made the Aquaperform the powerhouse countertop and under counter filtration system it is.


    当然,您可能会考虑其他台面或柜台过滤系统,这些系统在性能方面过度宣传和不足。这不会在这里发生,我们有文书工作来证明这一点。Aquaperform的表演是第三方,由NSF International独立测试和认证Aesthetic Concern (Std. 42)例如氯,氯胺和颗粒物;污染物Health Concern (Std. 53)such as lead, disinfection byproducts, PFOA/PFOS (aka, “forever chemicals”), and Arsenic V; and新兴的化合物和偶然的污染物(Std. 401)例如人造激素,害虫驱虫剂和心脏药物。



    As you can tell by its name, the Aquaperform offers performance and benefits beyond ordinary water filters:
    • 强大的水过滤– The Aquaperform uses Multipure's specially-enhanced carbon block filter to reduce levels of deadly Arsenic V, a toxic chemical that can naturally contaminate groundwater and pose serious health risks.
    • 方便和多功能性- 您可以在水槽下方安装aquaperform以进行柜台水过滤或作为台面滤水器将其连接到水槽上,使您可以按需享受更清洁,更健康,更饱味的水。
    • Better Taste- 没有人喜欢在水中品尝氯,就像没有人喜欢泳池水的味道一样。如果您厌倦了在饮用水中品尝氯和其他污染物,那么您会喜欢改善水生蛋白酶过滤水的味道。请记住,这不仅适合饮用水,而且还可以为您提供更好的咖啡,茶,果汁混合物或其他可以从过滤水中受益的东西。
    • Healthier Cooking- 用受污染的水烹制的食物可能不安全。用Aquaperform滤光的水烹饪意味着清洁剂,更安全的意大利面,汤,调味料或其他食物。
    • 宠物– Our beloved family pets deserve cleaner, healthier water. Fill your pets’ water dishes with filtered water from Multipure's Aquaperform.
    • Cost-effective, Environmentally-friendly– Don’t overpay for clean drinking water, and don’t contribute to plastic bottle waste. An Aquaperform is better for your budget and better for the environment.
    • 满意保证– We want you to feel as confident in your countertop or under counter water filter system system as we are. The Aquaperform is backed by our unparalleled customer satisfaction guarantee and warranty, meaning you'll never have to worry about having access to cleaner, better-tasting water.

    System Options


    The base Aquaperform system can be used in-line with other existing hardware (e.g., existing faucet, ice maker, etc.), but includes no additional plumbing hardware. It can utilize compatible below-sink and countertop parts and accessories.


    This installation kit includes a stand-alone chrome faucet and the necessary hardware to attach the system to a cabinet wall below the sink. The system connects to the cold water line with an included Adapta Valve, and the faucet requires a 0.5” hole available in the countertop or sink for installation.


    Countertop Kit

    标准的台面安装套件包括一个双 - 软管分流阀和一个丙烯酸底座,该底座允许系统坐在水槽旁边的柜台顶部。该系统与双软管分流阀连接到水槽水龙头,从分流器阀本上的尖头输出过滤水。可以通过分流阀上的按钮来选择过滤或未过滤的水。

    Single Hose Diverter Kit

    This installation kit includes a single-hose diverter kit and an acrylic base that allows the system to sit on top of the counter next to the sink. The system connects to the sink faucet with the single-hose diverter valve, outputting filtered water from a faucet attached to the top of the system housing. Filtered or unfiltered water can be selected by a push-button on the diverter valve.


    This kit includes a battery-operated capacity monitor that measures the amount of water processed through the饮用水系统并提醒您何时更改过滤器;随附的灯光指示器位于水龙头的底部,并在需要更改过滤器时亮起。注意:容量监视器套件必须配备下方链接套件。

    NOTE: Both the monitor and light indicator are battery-powered (2 x AA batteries not included); batteries need to be changed each time the filter is changed.


    过滤器Capacity:600 Gallons
    流量:1.0 gpm
    住房:Stainless Steel
    Rubber Items:Silicone
    Inlet:1/8” NPT
    Outlet:1/8” NPT
    System Size:11” H x 5.75” D
    工作压力范围:30 psi(2.1 kg/cm2)至100 psi(7.0 kg/cm2)
    工作压力范围:30oF(0oC) to 100oF (38oC) cold water use only
    Housing Warranty:寿命