
A lot of folks don’t really think about water. It’s one of those things everyone uses every day, but it’s something that just sits in the background of your lives, like the air you breathe, or the furniture and appliances in your homes. For most, you might assume the water you drink, you cook with, and you wash with is clean and safe. Many assume that the water in your home is the way it is, and there’s not much to do about it.


Water is such an integral part of life – for meals, for hydration, for cleanliness – that enhancing the quality of your water can enhance the quality of your life.

At Multipure, we don’t just want to give you any solution to cleaner, healthier water; we want to give you the best solution to water. Better than disposable plastic bottles. Better than giant plastic jugs. Better than ineffective water pitchers. Better than little faucet attachment filters. Better than flashy marketing with no substance. Our mission is to give you the best water for yourself, for your homes, and for your families.


倍增offers products to improve the water in your kitchen, bathroom, yard, and entire house. Like many water filters on the market, our drinking water filters make your water look, smell, and taste better. But, our filters do so much more than that – unlike a lot of cheap filters on the market, and unlike a lot of bottled water.

倍增uses our proprietary solid carbon block water filters at the core ofour drinking water systems. For over fifty years, we have developed, refined, and perfected this technology to bring you the best solid block carbon filters around, protecting you from an extraordinary饮用水污染物的范围.


That difference can be summed up
by two words:力量andintegrity.


力量, because oursolid carbon block water filterstreat your water for things like particulates, chlorine, and chloramine, which make the water look, taste, and smell worse than it should. Because our filters treat your water for things like lead, arsenic, and mercury – naturally-occurring minerals and metals that can cause serious harm. Because our filters treat your water for things like pesticides, herbicides, and the “forever chemicals” – PFOA and PFOS – all chemicals that can be incredibly harmful in water. Because our filters treat your water for artificial hormones, heart medications, over-the-counter pain relievers, and other drugs that you never want to drink in your water accidentally. Because our filters treat your water for bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause serious infections and diseases.


Integrity, because our performance claims have been third-party, independently tested and verified. Because we spend the time, money, and resources to have NSF International test our products, our manufacturing processes, and even our documentation for truth and accuracy. Because when it comes to our performance claims, we have nothing to hide.


一个最大的误解时hydration is that bottled water is a good source for clean drinking water. Granted, if there are literally no better options available – for example, if your options are swamp water or a bottle of water from a vending machine – then, sure, the bottled water is most likely to be the better option there. But for everyday use? Compared to tap water or filtered water? Then the answer is no.

  • Cost.瓶装水很昂贵。16-20盎司的自动售货机或迷你马特的一瓶水的价格约为1.50美元。一套瓶装水的箱子可能要花10到20美元,一包24瓶,尺寸从8盎司到16.9盎司不等。让我们慷慨大方,并考虑24袋16.9盎司的瓶子的10美元 - 每加仑水价约为3.15美元。自来水的平均价格为每加仑0.4美分。乘过滤器约为每加仑12美分。
  • Quality.瓶装水通常只是重新包装的自来水。因此,比自来水的成本高约800%,您可以在塑料瓶中购买自来水。最有可能将微塑料颗粒添加到水中的塑料瓶。因此,从本质上讲,比自来水质量差。另一方面,经过多重碳滤水器系统的认证,可以减少水中近100种污染物的存在。
  • 浪费。You know what you don’t get with a Multipure system? A bin (recycling or regular trash) full of empty plastic bottles. Bulky, useless, 400-years-long-to-degrade plastic bottles. You also don’t get a chunk of space taken up in your pantry, cupboard, garage, shelf, etc. with a case of bulky, heavy plastic bottles of water. A Multipure system can be as small as a glass of water, or as big as maybe a 2-liter bottle. When the filter cartridge needs to be changed – typically once year – you dump the old filter in the trash, where it will naturally and quickly decompose, because it’s made of carbon, not plastic.


在乘数时,我们不仅满足于提供countertop carbon block water filtersor solid carbon block water filterunder sink systems for your kitchen. We want to make sure you get cleaner, healthier water for all your needs.

For your shower, we offer the水夏令淋浴过滤器,一些东西可以提高淋浴水的质量。我们喜欢将其视为淋浴中的“个人水疗体验”,使您感到更加干净,更充满活力。

For your bath, we offer theAquasplash浴球,用作沐浴玩具的简单用途。填满浴缸,将水上掠过在水中半分钟,您会得到清洁的浴水,还可以促进肥皂中富裕的泡沫和泡沫。

For your yard, garden, and pets, we offer the Aquagrow, an内联花园软管过滤器这为您提供了更好的水,可以为您的花,蔬菜,水盘,宠物浴室或其他任何受益于户外清洁水中受益的东西。


Why Are Multipure Drinking Water Filters Better than Others?

在饮用水过滤方面,乘积是业务中最好的原因。首先是我们的过滤技术本身。我们的饮亚搏直播app下载用水系统使用我们的专有固体碳块过滤器。实心块碳过滤器采用颗粒状活性炭(GAC),可用于使某些污染物“粘在它上”的能力 - 然后摆脱GAC的所有缺点。通过将碳压缩到实心块中,它可以防止水在过滤器中形成通道 - 这种情况可能会在水最终绕过过滤器介质的GAC过滤器中发生。固体碳块滤水器还可以使污染物被物理捕获在碳块的所有小角落和毛孔中,从而使其更有效。A carbon block also allows additional filter materials to be mixed in to enhance the filter capabilities, such as Multipure’s Aquaversa and Aquaperform filters, which can treat things most filters do not, like arsenic-V, PFOA/PFOS, microcystin, bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

倍增carbon water filter systems also don’t require power, which certain other water filter methods require, such as ultraviolet water purifiers. No power requirements mean you don’t need to install our system near a power outlet, don’t need to constantly change batteries for the filter to work, and still have a working water filter during a power outage.

倍增understands that you want clean water that is convenient. A Multipure carbon water filter system means you don’t need to take trips to the store to buy and carry more cases of bottled water home when you run out; with Multipure, change the filter cartridge once a year and you’re good to go. A Multipure system means you don’t have to wait for water to slowly trickle through a filtered water pitcher or slowly fill up a clean water reservoir – Multipure solid block carbon filter systems give you clean water in real time – turn on the faucet and fill your glass or container immediately.

最后,乘法提供了经验的优势。我们从事水过滤业务已有五十多年了。水过滤不仅是我们公司的另一个部门 - 水过滤是我们公司。五十年的经验意味着我们知道饮用水过滤器时有效和什么无效。我们知道如何制作最佳的实心块碳过滤器。我们知道如何制造持久的产品 - 我们在系yabovip3统外壳上使用一生的保修来支持它。其他一些公司可能会涉足水过滤,但乘以水过滤的生命。


Better Water for Your Home and Family

Multipure的产品yabovip3提供了一个有效,affordable, and environmentally-friendly solution to cleaner water. Power and convenience at your kitchen sink, in your bathroom, and in your yard. With a superior Multipure product, you'll never need to consider another water filtration solution again.