


What Are Pesticides?

Pesticides are used in a wide variety of locations and applications: in agriculture, in homes and businesses, on lawns and gardens, along roads, in recreational areas, and on pets and livestock.

全美都使用了数百种不同的农药,并且大量使用 - 仅在2007年,房屋和企业就使用了超过430,000吨农药,除草剂,杀虫剂和杀菌剂。每年,全球大约有200万吨农药与杂草,昆虫和其他害虫面对面。接受农药用于保护农作物免受有害害虫的影响,并保护人们免受携带疾病的昆虫和其他动物的侵害。尽管可用于减少有害或不必要的动物或植物生命的存在和传播,但农药可以在整个环境中散布并污染地表和地下水,这意味着它们的广泛使用可能会导致饮用水中的农药存在。

现代的合成农药已经使用了将近100年,较早的版本依赖于使用铜,铅,汞和砷等有毒重金属的使用。这进展到了在第二次世界大战期间发现的二氯二苯三氯乙烷(DDT)的使用,并由于低剂量的有效性而获得了巨大的流行。这一直持续到1970年代,当时DDT由于对环境的损害及其对人类的毒性而被禁止,并作为致癌物的影响。从那时起,已经开发了各种各样的合成农药 - 许多虫害最终会产生对农药的抗性,并且由于有害的副作用或环境损害,许多农药都无法使用。

While pesticides offer tangible benefits – especially in the field of agriculture where their use has led to an increase in the quality and quantity of food production – a danger exists with almost all pesticides as many pesticides can accumulate in the soil and pass into water supplies. Most pesticides that enter water supplies do so as runoff from agricultural fields or through industrial wastewater. Streams, lakes, and groundwater are especially susceptible to pesticide contamination due to their close interconnection with the surrounding soil.

Even low concentrations of pesticides in water can pass through the food chain as organisms ingest the pesticides, then get consumed in turn by other organisms, and possibly end up consumed by humans. While human toxicity due to exposure varies among specific pesticides, by their nature, all pesticides are designed to cause physical harm. While the EPA regulates and monitors many potential drinking water contaminants, many pesticides in water are not regulated contaminants.


Pesticide contamination in water is a concern because groundwater is used for drinking water by about 50 percent of the population in the United States. In agricultural areas – where pesticides are most commonly used – up to 95 percent of the population relies upon groundwater for drinking water.


Despite this, groundwater is less vulnerable to pesticide contamination than surface water, as pesticide runoff more quickly and easily enters surface water sources than groundwater sources. On the other hand, groundwater contamination by pesticides is often harder to recover and treat than contaminated surface water supplies.






很简单,杀虫剂是毒药。他们是德西gned to kill. And they are especially dangerous in that they bioaccumulate – they build up in human cell membranes, increasing their dangers and effects with accumulated exposure.
  • 视力受损
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • 昏迷
  • Death
  • Immunosuppression
  • 激素破坏
  • 智力减少
  • 致癌作用
  • 生殖破坏



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