Ed Amerault

我几乎不敢相信我已经成为一个倍增制造商已有36年了。当我反思自己的倍增业务时,我为两件事感到非常自豪。首先,我实际上帮助成千上万的人为他们的家庭提供了更好的水。第二个是,我的兼职倍增业务为我赚了足够的钱,我的妻子能够待在家里抚养我们的两个女儿,为他们的私立学校付费,然后是他们的大学教育。很难相信这一切始于洛杉矶县博览会,当时我走到一个展位看饮用水系统的示威并遇到了乘务者罗恩·安德伍德(Ron Underwood)。

当时,我全职工作作为航空航天engineer at Raytheon, and was not looking into getting into a part-time business. I was already working a ton of hours and had a long commute. However, after speaking with Ron, I knew I had to have a Multipure system for my home – it would give my family the best water! Ron told me to just share this product with three other people, and by doing this, I could earn enough in commission from Multipure to pay for the drinking water system I bought. Such a deal! I loved my system, and of course I knew three people who would want better water. So I signed up to be a Builder, and then my business grew. Once I started talking to people, I could not stop. I spoke to people on the train to work, to my coworkers, and to my family members. I loved sharing the product with people. Who knew I was a natural salesperson? Later, I started to help Ron out at the booth at LA County Fair. I was hooked on helping people get the best water available.

关于倍增的最好的事情之一 - 除了委员会以外,公司(所有者和员工)和其他建筑商成为了我大家庭的一部分。这是一家独特的公司,因为业主像家庭的一部分一样对待建筑商。我什至被邀请到首席执行官的家中。

As a family-owned company, they always stood for quality. I never had to worry that I was sharing an inferior product with someone. One of the things I used to say to prospects was, “If you find a better system on the market, I will personally give you your money back.” To this day, I have never had anyone complain about their Multipure! I excelled with Multipure, and won contests that enabled my family to travel to great locations, including Hawaii, Cabo San Lucas, the Bahamas, and we even went on several cruises. All the time, my income from Multipure just kept growing.

When my youngest daughter, Kelley, graduated from high school, she wanted to earn some extra money before she went to college. I signed her up to be a Multipure Builder. She did great – she must have listened to me give my presentation a million times, so she was a natural. Who knew she was listening to me all those years? Within a month, she reached Master Builder level and was maximizing her earnings. She worked at the LA County fair with me. I have to say it was a proud moment working side by side with my daugher.


Congratulations, Multipure, on reaching this amazing milestone! It has been an honor and a priviledge to be a part of your organization, and I look forward to many more years to come.